Rabu, 28 April 2010

Students - learn to cook a healthy meal

First, let me tell you something: Health is not necessarily the same bland, tasteless, tasteless and terrible as the proverbial spinach. Some of the most delicious dishes and also meet all the definitions, in good health. Note that this is not always the food itself that makes them bad for you, but the portions that we insist on feeding.

For example, the pasta may seem like a good meal to be, but if we load it with all fat cheese and serve it through the plate-filled trough, it can be dangerous. In this case, it is not that the pasta is killing, "but the game. Forget your preconceptions of what a healthy meal, and open your mind.

Let me give you a recipe for a good, healthy and quick dishes that match the funding of all students and little time would have prepared.

First, for your main course, you have healthy meat or pasta. This includes all white meat (try to red meat not usually avoid too healthy for you), such as chicken or fish, or Vollweizenteigwaren.

Then you need to choose a method of preparation or cooking of meat in a healthy way. It is a form of cooking or baking. you should avoid, edible oils and fats, as it adds unnecessary should be avoided. Season foods with natural herbs and spices to add flavor.

To the side, choose fresh vegetables to go with the meal. A salad is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. All vegetables should be cooked or baked. This allows them to maintain their natural ability to fight disease.

And for dessert, fresh cut fruit for a few can make fat-free whip or fat free vanilla yogurt, and a beautiful fruit salad. Add grated coconut gives it tastes Sun

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